Message Of Salvation

Sin is like this many stones adding to the weight of one big boulder.
How often have or do we turn away from God ??? Have you ever realized Jesus could have turned away from us or let's turn the situation around. He could have avoided suffering and death, but instead He chose to endure it all so that we might finally know the height and depth of God's LOVE. By submitting to the Cross, Jesus demonstrated just how far God is willing to go to express his continued LOVE.
On the Cross, God demonstrated a willingness to pay the high cost of forgiveness on our behalf so that we might recieve it as a free gift.
Jesus "Atonement" for our sins, which means to make amends
At the death of Jesus we are made "at one" with God and drawn into the eternal embrace of forgiveness. What once stood between us is now behind us "the veil" for those who know of the Holy of Holy.
Jesus did not die for God to forgive us; Jesus died so that we would be able to accept God's forgiveness.
Paul wrote "God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself" (2 Cor. 5:19).
Note whose doing the reconciling here. It's not God who needs to be reconciledf to us, but rather it is we who need to be reconciled to God.
"THE GOSPEL OF ISAIAH" (52:13-53:12)
Notice the double parallel in verses 3-5
His Action Our Need
Wounded Transgressions
Bruised Iniquities
Chastisement Peace
Stripes Healed
The verb Healed - to mend or cure. This may refer to physical healing, but it indicates a condition of being made whole.
The entire context deals with the problem of our transgressions and iniquities and of our peace that we may be spiritually healed.
So in view of the spiritual provision that is met by the atonement of Christ. It would be appropriate to translate it as;
"By His stripes we are forgiven..."
This is the dynamic of the concept of the atonement of Christ. We who fully deserve the entire penalty and punishment for our sins have been set free not only by God's grace, but by the fact that in His grace He has poured out His wrath against sin upon his own Son!!! "For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
We should thank God for his love and the opportunity to recieve everlasting life !!!
Because Jesus Christ willingly died for our sins
The Lamb of God (John 1:29) John the Baptist refers to him as being the one who "taketh away the sin of the world"
(Rev. 5:6,12) The resurrected Christ appears in Heaven as the Slain Lamb of God who alone, is able to open the Scroll of God's Judgment.
(Isaiah 53:10) "...His soul an offering for sin..." this involves the "Trespass Offering" commanded and describes in Numbers 5:5
Because Jesus Christ was sinless, he is not making a "Trespass Offering" for His sin, it was for our sin.
The ultimate purpose of the coming of the Servant is not to teach the way to God, but to provide the way to God through his Atonement.
Jesus is coming back again, and no one knows the hour. He is coming back again for HIS Church without wrinkle or spot. Matter of fact, we both know that you are not even promised to be living in the next minute. If you were to stand before the LORD today, where will you spend the rest of eternity?
What is your spiritual state? You are either saved and Heaven is your eternal home, or you are spiritually lost and on your way to hell where with the devil and his angels you will lift up your eyes in torment for all eternity.
"...what must I do to be saved?" - Acts 16:30
A.R.K. (from www. )
- Acknowledge that you are sinner: "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God;" - Romans 3:23
- We are sinners by nature - Adam sinned through disobedience to GOD's command thereby falling from grace (Genesis 3:6-24). We are born into sin through Adam's original sin.
- We are sinners by choice - Have you ever lied or took something that was not yours? How many times do you have to lie or steal in order to be a liar or a thief? If you lie once, then you are liar. If you steal once or live your life as a kleptomaniac, then you are thief. There are no little or big sins in GOD's eyes. Sin is sin, and sin can not abide in the presence of the Holy GOD.
- Recognize that you are in need of a Savior - "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." - Romans 6:23
- It is a natural law that restitution be paid, when wrong is done. Well sin is an afront to the MOST HIGH GOD. Sin comes with a cost, and the cost of sin is death. We acknowledge that "all have sinned," so a price had to be paid in order to redeem us from the cost of death associated with sin.
- The good news is that eternal life is something that we do not have to pay for, but GOD gives eternal life to us freely ONLY through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - St. John 14:6
- Know that GOD loves you and paid the price for us - for you and for me: "But God commendeth his love toward us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8
- GOD loves you and me.No matter how you may feel at times towards yourself, no matter how you think the world may view you. You and I have value in GOD's eyes, because HE shows HIS towards us.
- GOD loves you and me, just as we are.It is wonderful that GOD not only accepts us just as we are, but it is empowering to know that GOD loves me "Just as I am" - though sinner and far from HIS glory HE still loves you and me.
- GOD's love paid the price for our sin.While we are yet most sinful and wretched, JESUS CHRIST gave HIS life for us to remove the stain of sin.
- You can be saved right now!- "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." - Romans 10:9
- Say this prayer along with me:
"God, I (name) confess unto you that I am a sinner in need of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that the Lord Jesus gave his life upon Calvary's Cross for me. I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that you raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Upon my confession and belief in Jesus, I accept the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. Thank you, Father for first loving me saving me."
- If you faithfully prayed that prayer, then I rejoice along with all the Angels of Heaven in welcoming you to the family of OUR HEAVENLY FATHER. Look to JESUS who is the author and finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2). Welcome fellow disciple of JESUS Christ. Know with confidence that Heaven is now your Home!
- Please do the following, immediately:
- Write down the date, time, and location of your conversion. We invite you to contact us.
- Pray that the HOLY SPIRIT continues to fill you and guide you. - St. John 14:26
- Through prayer, quickly seek out a congregation of Bible believing, born-again, baptized, HOLY SPIRIT filled believers that will nuture your discipleship in JESUS.
- Know that you are already saved, but it is in order that you public identify through the testimony of baptism (water immersion) with the death, burial, and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST. - Romans 6:3-14