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Enon B. C. Mission Detroit 2013 Trip # 1 Showing Love

Enon B. C. Mission Detroit 2013 Trip # 1 Showing Love

Thank you to all who have partnered in the Detroit Mission trip, you have made a difference in the "D" by letting the love of Christ Jesus shine through you. God's continued blessings on you... LOVE YOU ALL


Mission Detroit 2013 Trip #2 Putting in work

Mission Detroit 2013 Trip #2 Putting in work

Enon Baptist Church and H.E.A.R.T. partnered with Eber Memorial Baptist Church
Project Alpha

Project Alpha

Rev. Glynn Harden held  the "Alpha Project" on Sept. 1, 2007.
This program was designed for the young men to come together and learn about the following subjects:

Responsibility, Respect and the Role of Males in Relationships

Adolescent Pregnancy and Fatherhood

Protecting Yourself and Your Partner

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Intimate Violence in Relationships

Sister To Sister (Equipping & Training For Everyday Life) Conference

Sister To Sister (Equipping & Training For Everyday Life) Conference

This conference was hosted by the EMBC Women's Ministry on October 27, 2007. The conference was for young ladies from ages 12-19.  The topics that were discussed at the event were as follows:

  • STD's (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
  • Street Life
  • Education
  • Health
  • Morals and Values (The Secret To Loving & Respecting Myself & Others)
The Heart Crusade Detroit Revival '07'

The Heart Crusade Detroit Revival '07'

"The Heart Crusade Detroit Revival" was held on August 29-31. Theme: Revisiting and Reclaiming the Revival Well

Host Pastor: Rev. D.K. Harden Sr.

Lecturer: Pastor Daniel Harden Sr. (First Baptist Missionary Baptist Church, Sioux City, IA)

Evangelist: Rev. Glynn Harden